Art object in Jurmala
05.07. – 03.09. 2023.
Curator Inga Bunkše
Kirils Panteļejevs “ŪDENS, ZEME, GAISS“.
The sea, the sky, the beach sand. The art work combines these reflections, thus symbolizing the unity and majesty of the forces of nature. But something else is reflected in it – we, the people. We have always thought that nature, our planet, and the order in which we live will be eternal, but recent events, as well as climate change, make us see that transformations can happen rapidly, but man is the initiator of these destructive transformations. With his work, the artist invites people to look into themselves, feel the unity of the world, nature, and people, becoming more human.
The object can be viewed at Dubultu beach from July 5 to September 3.
Curator Inga Bunkše
Aluminium composite, wood. 3 x 3 x 4m
The project was created with the support of Jurmala City Council
Photo: Artis Veigurs